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Grand theft auto 4 pc product code windows live

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The visual design of Grand Theft Auto IV elevated this game above any other that appeared on the market in 2009 and even years ahead. The core appeal is again placed on the ability to engage with “sandbox” or “systemic” gameplay elements that can interact with the player with unforeseen effects, making every minute of walking through the city a unique experience. Similarly like in previous games, the gameplay loop of this GTA title also revolves around freedom of exploration of the large and detailed open world environment and a mix between linear and hand-crafted central missions and an incredible variety of side missions and activities. Shortly after the start of the game, he and his cousin ended up in debt, forcing them to become involved in all aspects of criminal activities, slowly but surely rising through the ranks of the underground to become one of the top criminals in the city. Set in the same city of Liberty City (a fictionalized version of New York) as the groundbreaking GTA III, this game advances the time to the early 2000s and centers on the adventures of the hardened Eastern European war veteran and immigrant Niko Belic who is thrown into the criminal underworld of the city in hope of finding a better life for himself and his piece of the fabled “American dream”. Originally built to run on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, GTA 4 the PC version of this hit game arrived on PC in December of that year, enabling users of advanced gaming PC hardware to dramatically enhance the visual capabilities presented by this ambitious title.

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Grand Theft Auto IV is the award-winning open-world adventure game released in 2008 by Rockstar Games.

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